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Is The Apple fake watch Really A Watch?

Just recently, the world was introduced to the latest iteration of the Apple Watch, known as the "Series 2,?during the company's press conference, held earlier this month in San Francisco. Fans of the wearable device were pleased to see the inclusion of a newer, and faster processor, a brighter screen, GPS capabilities for fitness tracking, and a "swim proof?water resistance rating of 50 meters, which make the fake watch considerably more functional for day to day use. While the release of the fake watch was indeed exciting, collectors of replica watches were stunned to see Apple announce that they are now the world's second largest force in fake watch manufacturing, next to Replica Rolex. This is an interesting statement that can be understood better with a little further analysis, so today, let's take a closer look at what this really means.

Upon hearing this news, several fake watch collectors reacted with the same response, by asking "Is the Apple fake watch really a watch??This is the main question to consider when discussing what this all means for the fake watch market, and in the minds of many, the Apple fake watch is not, but a wearable computer instead. This is because even though the fake watch may be an attractive option when looking at timepieces in a comparable price range, it serves a different purpose than say a Replica Rolex would.

For example, take the somewhat disposable nature and short lifespan of the Apple Watch, no matter what generation. Upon purchasing a fine fake watch such as a Replica Rolex, you're essentially guaranteed to be provided with years of loyal service and timeless style if maintained well, whereas an Apple fake watch is sure to be made increasingly more obsolete with release of every new model. Another point to consider is the fact that a wrist-mounted computer cannot match the beauty of a precisely engineered mechanical movement, backed by generations of fine craftsmanship and history.

Photo courtesy of Apple Inc.

With this said, not all sectors of the fake watch are fully impervious to the effects of the Apple Watch. Where many are already seeing decreases in fake watch sales is at the lower end of the market, whereby new fake watch owners are opting for an Apple product instead of a basic wristwatch. Again, it's important to note the differences between an Apple fake watch and a true watch, but with all the useful features offered in the latest model, it's understandable why many first time fake watch buyers are going the wearable computer route.

Photo courtesy of Apple Inc.

The bottom line here is that while sales Apple fake watch may indeed be very strong, their impact on horology as a whole, and the high end fake watch collecting market is minimal. In a good wristwatch, individuals look for the signs of outstanding craftsmanship, timeless aesthetics, and while the Apple fake watch arguably does provide added functionality, it just doesn't serve the same purpose as something like a Replica Rolex, and should looked at as being an electronic device, instead of a watch.

While the Apple fake watch has its pros and cons we will stick to the Replica Rolex. If you're looking for a purposeful device, perhaps you can add this to help with your swing.


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